Thursday, April 2, 2020

Applerouth Sat Tutoring

Applerouth Sat TutoringApplerouth Sat Tutoring is another amazing tool to help a child learn. Applerouth Sat Tutoring can be an effective tool for children to help them learn to focus better.The way to help the child concentrate better is to make sure that they are doing things in the right order and you will also have to change the way you're teaching them so that they can be more effective. Applerouth Sat Tutoring can help a child learn, but it is up to the teacher to show how they can be the best that they can be.Applerouth Sat Tutoring is great for all ages of children. Adults and toddlers have a different learning style than school age children and this helps to make Applerouth Sat Tutoring more effective.Applerouth Sat Tutoring teaches the child the skill of attention and perseverance. Sometimes a child will lose their focus and we have to help them remember this by getting them to be more organized and more disciplined. This is a good tool to use to help children with their ho mework and their studies and helping them to focus better.Applerouth Sat Tutoring can be taught at any age because this is not like a computer program. The child has to listen to the teacher. Teachers have to listen to their children so that they will be able to help them in any area of learning.Applerouth Sat Tutoring is using to help children learn how to learn and work hard at learning at the same time. It is used to help the child be more organized and be more disciplined at school. By having to use this method it can help the child to learn more then they normally would have been able to learn.Tutoring at Applerouth Sat Tutoring can be effective. It can help a child learn more and it can help to teach them to be more organized at school. Applerouth Sat Tutoring will help a child to have a good studying habit and help them to become more organized and disciplined at school.

Monday, March 23, 2020

How to Practice Guitar in 15 Minutes [Video]

How to Practice Guitar in 15 Minutes [Video] Maile Proctor When youre learning guitar, you know how important it is to practice. Sometimes, however, you just dont have time for a full practice session. This doesnt mean you need to skip practice altogether. In this video, Austin, TX. guitar instructor Aimee B. teaches you how to practice guitar in 15 minutes If you want to boost your guitar skills, you need to increase your knowledge of chord voicings. Theres more than one way to play the same chord on the guitar. The good news is that the guitar is made up of a series of repeating patterns. We will use a system, called CAGED to understand the five positions of a major chord on the guitar neck. Once you learn how to voice one major chord and its relation to the CAGED pattern, you can easily voice the same chord in multiple positions. How to Practice Guitar in 15 Minutes One Minute: Centering Visualization Approach your practice with a calm, positive mind. Take a minute to take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself with your instrument. This is your time to focus on your practice, so give yourself permission to mentally let go of the other matters in your day. Three Minutes: Open Voicings of the C, A, G, E, and D Major Chords Practice voicing the C, A, G, E and D major chords in the open position on the guitar neck. The open position refers to the area of the first three frets on the guitar neck where you have open (unfretted) strings ringing out. Practice moving smoothly between each chord. The goal is to memorize the shape of the chord, or the way it looks on the guitar. Five Minutes: Identify the Root of the C, A, G, E, and D Major Chords in Open Position Voice a chord and identify the root of the chord by playing only the string(s) where the root is located. The root of the C chord is C, the root of the A chord is A, and so on. Again, the key is to think of the shape of the chord and memorize where the roots are within that shape. You dont need to memorize string and fret numbers. Use the following to check your knowledge of the roots in each chord: C Chord/C Shape Roots B string 1st fret A string 3rd fret A Chord/A Shape Roots G string 2nd fret Open A string G Chord/G Shape Roots Low E string 3rd fret High E string 3rd fret Open G string E Chord/E Shape Roots Open low E string Open high E string D string 2nd fret D Chord/D Shape Roots Open D string B string 3rd fret NOTE: Instead of thinking of an open string as being open, think of the guitar nut located at the head of the guitar as being a finger holding a position. In other words, visually approach the nut of your guitar as being another fingered fret. Eight Minutes: Take One Chord and Move through the Five Shapes on the Guitar (CAGED) Play the C major chord, starting in open position, and move up (higher) on the guitar neck through the five different shapes of the chord. In all instances, you will play a C major chord. The notes voiced in the C major chord are C, E, and G. All three of these notes that make up the C chord remain present as you move up on the guitar neck through the five positions. The only thing that changes is how the chord looks, or the shape, NOT the chord itself. Heres the easiest way to think of the five chord positions in the CAGED system: Im playing a C chord that looks like a C shape; Im playing a C chord that looks like the A shape; Im playing a C chord that looks like the G shape; Im playing a C chord that looks like the E shape; Im playing a C chord that looks like the D shape. REMEMBER: Where the chord shape ends, the next shape begins! Repeat Previous Steps for the A, G, E, and D Major Chords Once you have moved the C major chord through each of the five positions, continue through the CAGED system voicings with a different chord. For instance, start on an open A major chord. The next shape for the A chord, moving up on your guitar, is the G shape, then E, D, and C. Guitar Practice Challenge Take a three-chord song you know in open position, find the next chord shape up on your guitar for each chord, and relearn the song in this new position. NOTE: Some positions are more friendly to play in than others. So next time you think you dont have enough time, remember how to practice guitar in 15 minutes. Dont let your busy schedule get in the way of your guitar playing journey. Ready to get started playing guitar? Search here for a teacher near you! Post Author: Aimee B. Aimee B. teaches piano, guitar and music theory in Austin, TX. She earned her B.A. in philosophy and art from St. Edwards University, has worked as a professional musician for over ten years, and has taught over 100 students as a private music instructor. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Friday, March 6, 2020

A Student Perspective on The Ohio State University

A Student Perspective on The Ohio State University Hopeearned her bachelors degree in communication from The Ohio State University. She specializes in English tutoring, algebra tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at The Ohio State University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Hope: The campus is large and sprawling. There are free shuttle buses to get you on and off campus, and a free bus pass for all students to get you around town. There are lots of bike racks if you choose to get a bike, and a free tracking system to help if it were to get stolen. I worked pretty late at night, and there were blue emergency call boxes every couple of feet and a free service that would escort you up to two miles off campus via car or on foot. This option always made me feel safe and sound. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Hope: All of my teachers were pretty available. Their office hours and locations were in the syllabus, so if you decided to go to see them, they were always there. They were also usually available via email if you needed to contact them that way. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Hope: I loved living in the dorms; all of my friends were just an elevator ride or underground tunnel trip away. I could go to the closest dining hall in my pajamas for brunch on the weekends, which was super convenient. There were dozens of food options all across campus, and I loved it. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Hope: We had great business, dance, and engineering programs. I studied communication; its what my mom did for work and I really enjoyed thinking critically about my media consumption. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Hope: I was a pretty shy person when I was 18, and I appreciated that my school had opportunities for me to get out and meet people in safe, supported environments. I worked at the front desk of my dorm and made friends that way. Then, I was a resident advisor and got to meet even more people through that position. Greek life is there, but only as big as you want it to be. I knew people who were Greek and non-Greek and we all seemed to get along pretty well. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Hope: There are Career Centers for almost any subset and career. It made it easy to get connected to jobs and careers. There were dozens of job fairs every year that recruited from companies all over the country and internationally. Almost every week there were free resume workshops or reviews to give you the best opportunity to get hired. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Hope: There were about 10 different libraries, one of which was open 24 hours a day. If the main library was crowded, there were other libraries on campus where you could go and study. Wifi was fast, outlets were abundant, and there were many comfortable chairs. Describe the surrounding town. Hope: Its definitely a college town. The main street has tons of food and concert venues, and the majority of them take the college card as currency. On most nights, you can follow the crowds to downtown to find something to do. We have a major hockey team, music, art, museums, and restaurants. Theres always something to do on or off campus. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Hope: When I graduated, I did so with about 12,000 of my classmates. It was a huge graduating class. It made it easy to find someone to hang out with or someone you had something in common with. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Hope: My favorite class was called love and literature. Our professor asked us to do presentations on non-Western romantic tradition. It was so nice to learn about different holidays and cultures. I learned so much! Check out Hopes tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Algebra Word Problems

Algebra Word Problems Algebra word problems are the word problems associated with algebra terms which uses algebra formulas. Algebra word problems are generally converted into the mathematical language of equations which are then solved with the help of algebra formulas. In this type of word problems, first we have to interpret the problem and then we will make equations based on it and hence finally solve it. Example 1:John bought five books at five dollars each and five pens at 2 dollars each. How much did John pay? Solution 1:-Given John bought five books at five dollars each and also five pens at 2 dollars each. It is clear from the above that, The cost of one book is $5. Therefore the cost of five books = 5 x $5 = $25 Cost of one pen is $2 Therefore the cost of five pens = 5 x $2 = $10 Now we have to find the cost of five books and five pens, Therefore the cost of five books and five pens = $25 + $10 =$35 Example 2:Tom bought two calendars and two books at five dollars each. How much did Tom pay? Solution :-Given Tom bought two calendars and two books at five dollars each. It is clear from the above that, The cost of one calendar is $5. Therefore the cost of two calendars = 2 x $5 = $10 Also the cost of one book is $5 Therefore the cost of two books = 2 x $5 = $10 Now we have to find the cost of two calendars and two books, Therefore the cost of two books and two pens = $10 +$ 10 = $20

How to Survive a Bad Job - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Survive a Bad Job - Introvert Whisperer How to Survive a Bad Job Dorothy February 7, 2015 Adaptability, Career Development One response How to Survive a Bad Job Ideally, this won’t happen, but at some point in your career, you may need to survive a bad job. For whatever reason, sometimes our dreams and expectations about a new job simply don’t come to fruition, and in that situation, there are a few things you can do to keep your head above water. Have you ever had to go into survival mode in your job? Share your experiences in the comments! Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

How to Buy an English Essay Writing Help on a Shoestring Budget

How to Buy an English Essay Writing Help on a Shoestring Budget 0SHARESShare How to define an Essay? In simple terms, it is a precise write up revolving around one or more related ideas. The art of writing a good Essay is hidden in the writer’s ability of making it to the point and concise. Practicing  English essay writing  is an essential tool which refines your command over the language and also acts as an aid for other styles of writings, for example- reports, invitations, research papers, etc. Due to the complications of the English language, one may need English help in drafting a good essay. Such helps are now available online, on the internet. Whatever may be your budget, or even if you do not have a budget, many online English essay writing portals can come to your aid. Many English Essay Helper sites have cropped up in the recent past that give a detailed guidance in all genres of essay writing, be it an argumentative essay or a descriptive one. No matter which area of expertise you are looking for or the subject you need to write on, the only requirement is to feed in the correct keywords on the internet search engine and you will be able to seek  English help  from the online websites. All the tricks and techniques you require to frame an essay and to put your ideas in the right order shall be present to you in whichever form you require, ranging from a face to face guidance on a real time basis or a recorded tutorial on the subject. Quit worrying and get started with the essay! [starbox id=admin]

Adding fractions with common denominators

Adding fractions with common denominators Fractions are a very commonly used numerical representation of numbers. A fraction is number written in p/q form. Where p is the numerator and q is the denominator of the number. The denominator of a fraction cannot be equal to zero i.e. q not equal to zero. Different mathematical operations can be used to simplify and solve a fractions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. While adding fractions there should always be a common denominator. Here are some examples for adding fractions with a common denominator. Example 1: Simplify and find the answer by adding the given fraction numbers 2/5 + 3/5 + 4/5? Solution: The first step is to check the denominator of the given fractions. We have a common denominator of 5 for all three fractions. Since the denominator of the fractions is same, add the numerators of the given fractions. This gives 2/5 + 3/5 + 4/5 = (2 + 3 + 4) / 5 = 9/5. Therefore, the answer for 3/4 + 5/4 + 1/4 = 9/5. Question: Multiple choice question (Pick the correct option.) What is the answer for adding the two fractions 1/7 + 6/7? a) 1 b) 6/7 c) 5/7 d) None of these. Correct answer: option a. Here the fractions 1/7 and 6/7 have the same denominator 7. Since we have the common denominator we can add the numerators. This gives 1/7 + 6/7 = (1 + 6) /7 = 7/7. The fraction 7/7 can be further simplified. Hence 7/7 = 1.